Welcome to GW Jewell


Youth Leadership Development

The Youth Leadership program is a transformative experience focusing on public speaking, leadership, and soft skills development. Through interactive workshops and activities, participants gain essential abilities, from impromptu speaking to conflict resolution, empowering them to become confident and well-rounded young leaders.


Public Speaking Coaching

Embark on a journey from nervous novice to confident orator with my public speaking coaching, drawing from my experience as a Toastmasters Chapter President and accomplished speaker. I provide personalized sessions covering essentials like impromptu speaking, engaging an audience, and effective body language, guiding you towards success with my proven communication expertise.

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Team Leadership Training

Enhance collective performance through our customizable Team Leadership training, which fosters a shared goal understanding, individual leadership potential, and effective communication, promoting overall growth across organizations, teams, or groups.

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Leadership Coaching

Our leadership coaching delves into the multifaceted responsibilities of leaders, offering insights into diverse traits, styles, and behaviors for effective communication and navigation of roles. Our tailored executive coaching covers key topics including leadership communication, nonverbal cues, and the distinction between management and true leadership.

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Motivational Speaking

Our motivational speaking service offers customizable speeches on leadership, positivity, and transformation, delivering inspiration and motivation to diverse audiences of all ages in various event settings.


Professional Development

We offer a comprehensive "Professional Advancement Solution" encompassing workshops for interview readiness, resume refinement, and expertly crafted cover letters, empowering individuals to excel in interviews and secure their desired career growth.


Leadership Development Series